Transsions Holding company, Tecno Mobile recently launched the Tecno Spark 3 at an event in Lagos. It was unveiled alongside a bigger version known as the Tecno Spark 3 Pro. The smartphone succeeds the Tecno Spark 2 in the Youth-focused Spark series. Unsurprisingly, the device features the notch design, super full view display, sizeable 3,500mAh battery, and AI-powered cameras.
Tecno Spark 3 FEATURES
- 6.2-inch HD+ Super FULL VIEW, 1500 x 720 pixels
- Android 8.1 Oreo (Go Edition)
- Quad-core MediaTek MT6580 CPU with 1GB
- 8MP selfie camera and 13MP rear camera
- 16GB built-in storage, up GB with a memory card
- Face ID
- Fingerprint sensor (rear)
- 3,500mAh Li-Ion battery
Design and Display
Upon first glance, the Tecno Spark 3 gives that stylish appearance typical of the U-notch design. Within this compartment are the front-facing camera, earpiece and a couple of sensors. Although the notch occupies the central part of the phone’s top, it can be concealed in the device’s settings for those who dislike the groove.
A super full view display is delivered by the 19:9 aspect ratio that jumps on the 6.2-inch IPS screen. Its 720 x 1500pixels resolution is barely above that of Spark 2’s 720 x 1440 pixels.
Battery and Camera
If there’s something Tecno Mobile wouldn’t gamble on, it’s the battery life of its Spark series smartphone. Tecno Spark 3 enjoys the longevity of the 3,500mAh battery for a full day’s work. Although there’s no mention of Fast Charge, the phone’s charger bags enough power to charge the phone swiftly.
Camera configuration on this smartphone differs based on the RAM model. Its 1GB RAM model is given a 13MP AI camera for its rear photography. Meanwhile, the variant uses dual 13MP rear cameras for its imagery. Frontal shots are captured by an