With the Samsung 55 Inch UHD Tv, See extreme contrast between the darkest darks and lightest
lights on High Dynamic Range screens, plus amazing brightness in almost any
lighting conditions.
Dynamic Crystal Colour
With more than a billion shades of colour from Premium UHD
TV, pictures can appear with greater intensity and depth than conventional
Samsung UHD TVs.
Discover the dark side
See enhanced detail from Precision Black, and discover captivating
detail even in the shadows of dark scenes.
Slick, fluid motion
Enjoy smooth, crisp images from sports, games and other fast
action entertainment, with Motion Refresh Rate 200 Hz.
Keep it tidy
Clever cable management helps eliminate untidy wiring by
neatly concealing cords within the base of the TV stand.
Now, that’s Smart!
Find favorite online entertainment, TV and connected devices
at the handy Smart Hub, and view thumbnail previews of content before diving
One replaces many
Simplify your entertainment with the One Remote Control, and
operate connected devices from a single handset. With device names
automatically displayed on screen, setup and source selection can be a breeze