GoTv Max Subscription.
This is the most expensive bouquet and it costs 3,800 Naira. It comes with over 65 world class channels. gotv max
Here are the channels you will enjoy on this package.
Planet Radio TV. Faith Broadcast Network. Islam Channel. SuperSport Select 1, 2, 3 & 4. Nickelodeon. Nat Geo Wild. Discovery Family. Fashion One. Spice TV. SuperSport Blitz. AFRO Music English. Sound City. Disney Junior. JimJam. Arise News. Al jazeera. TVC News. Telemundo. E! Entertainment Television. FOX (SD/HD). MTV Base. Hip TV. Emmanuel TV. Dove TV. eTV Africa. BBC World News. CNN International. Televista. Trybe. Galaxy TV. B4U Movies. FOX Life. Sony Max. CBS Reality. M-Net Movies Zone. Eva +. AfricaMagic Epic Movies, Family, Hausa, Yoruba & Igbo. Vox Africa. Zee World. Liberty TV. Tiwa n Tiwa. RAVE. Arewa 24. WAP. R2TV. NTA I. Silverbird. AIT. Channels. MiTV. Lagos TV. Wazobia Max. TCV Internacional