Calvin Klein launched new pillar fragrance Reveal in September 2014. Reveal Men, the masculine edition of the new line, The fragrance is announced as fresh and unique.”Reveal Men Calvin Klein epitomizes the uncompromisingly masculine and bold attitude of the modern man… to men who want to intrigue, challenge and seduce.”
Launched by the design house of Calvin Klein. This aromatic fragrance has a blend of tonka bean, brandy, pear, suede, ginger, vetiver, melon, clary sage, and agave.From the manufacturerTop NotesCreated by famous perfumers Rodrigo Flores-Roux, Ann Gottlieb, and Marypierre Julien, Olivier Gillotin, Reveal by Calvin Klein Eau de Toilette starts off strong and helps you create an impression as soon as you enter the room. And its thanks to the accords of crystallized ginger, mastic, pear brandy and kiwano laying on top.Middle NotesThe heart of this Calvin Klein perfume is cheery and pleasant, thanks to the blend of suede, clary sage and agave nectar. They team up for a scintillating and romantic scent while making the composition long lasting.Base NotesThe base of this Calvin Klein Eau de Toilette is warm, cozy, comfortable, and satiating with accords of tonka bean, vetiver, organic Haitian Orpur, and golden amber. This makes the scent so enchanting that your presence will be highlighted in a jiffy while you make your way through the horde ever so subtly.